Joseph W. McPherson Poetry Competition Finalist, 2021
"Secrets to the Wind" After Lucille Clifton
"This Woman Owned..." (poem) is published in Love Letters: to the Mothers & Fathers of the African Diaspora. This anthology was published by Writopia Lab Publishing in 2020.
"Here are stories that reach from Africa to the African diaspora like a protective mother's arm. There are heartbeats presented as homes presented as love letters... Read the fortitude and vitality and innovation in our youth's voices. Let this road trip lead you somewhere remembered, somewhere new." - Janelle Williams, Co-Editor
Selected Works
"Second Generation American" (poem) and "Momma Likes my Hair Straight" (flash fiction) are published in Pen in Hand. Pen in Hand is the Biannual Literary Journal of the Maryland Writers' Association. This issue was published in 2019.
"Enjoy your freedon; share it with others; there is plenty to go around" - Dr. Tapendu k. Basu, Editor